
GNR-Based Diagnostics

Advantages of Lateral Flow Assays (LFA’s) as diagnostic tools


How could Sona’s GNRs make a difference?


Concussion Tests

Sona’s concussion screening test to being developed to be used at the scene of injury.

“We estimate that between 1.1 and 1.9 million sports and recreation related concussions occur annually in US children aged ≤18 years.”

American Academy of Pediatrics

Sona’s concussion screening test being developed to be used at the scene of injury

Sona’s concussion screening test being developed to be used at the scene of injury


Some concussion markers only elevate within hours or days

GFAP (Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein)
Released into the blood stream within minutes of a concussion


Current tests rely on subjective cognitive assessment

GFAP to be multiplexed with other concussion biomarkers to create unique mTBI fingerprint

Relies on definitive biomarker identified associated with concussions

Time to result

Currently no readerless, rapid concussion test commercially available

Rapid lateral flow test at the scene

Validated in-lab with contrived concussion blood samples

Bovine Tuberculosis Tests

Being developed to provide early detection at low cost without the need for test-and-slaughter.

“With help from the NRC IRAP program and the collaboration with our partners in the UK, we hope to offer farmers a more effective method for early detection of bovine TB than is currently used to mitigate the spread of this debilitating disease.”

David Regan, CEO

Time to Result

No cost-effective early detection methods currently available

  • A diagnosis through a skin test, turnaround of 48-72 hours
  • Post-mortem examination and tissue culture, can take up to 12 weeks

Early detection at low cost without the need for test-and-slaughter

  • Blood sample taken for rapid lateral flow test
  • Associated app for tracking and reporting in minutes

Cost of Intervention

Once bTB is confirmed, all exposed animals in a herd are destroyed

Estimated costs of bovine TB control in UK to top £1 billion over the next decade

Rapid screening of individual animals, no need to destroy healthy cattle

Time to Result

Skin test cannot distinguish between infected and vaccinated cattle

Rapid screening of individual animals, no need to destroy healthy cattle

Validated in-lab with contrived concussion blood samples

Powered by:

Sona Gold Nanorod ("GNR") Technology 

Uniquely biocompatible

Unlocking of in-vivo medical applications potential

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